| Stone Group Lawyers

Visa appeals

We are proud of

visa Cancellations & Refusals

There are a variety of reasons for which Visas may be cancelled or refused.

      • Criminal Record which would result in failing the ‘Character Test’;
      • Failure to comply with Visa Conditions;
      • Incorrect information or false documents;

Unless the decision to refuse or cancel your Visa has been overturned or dealt with in a timely manner, this can lead to removal from Australia. If your Visa has been cancelled or refused, you should get expert advice as soon as you receive a Notice of Intention to cancel your Visa.

Skilled migration Visa options

There are a number of skilled migration visa options:

This is a permanent visa that does not require sponsorship by a relative or a State/Territory government.

This is a permanent visa requiring nomination by a State/Territory government.

This is a four year temporary visa allowing you to live in certain areas of Australia. This visa requires you to be sponsored by an Australian relative living in a Designated Area or by a State/Territory government.

This is a permanent visa which can be applied for after holding the Skilled Regional Provisional subclass 489 and having lived in the required area for two years, plus having worked full-time for one year.

Professional Migration Services

Our experienced team of migration lawyers can assist you with your migration plans to Australia. If you are unsure of the right visa for you, we offer a consultation to discuss your options with you and find the right pathway.

Free Consultation

At Stone Group Lawyers, we offer all clients for all areas of law a free initial consultation for up to 30 minutes. This consult can be over the phone, Skype or in person.

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