Corporate Advisory And Governance | Stone Group Lawyers

Corporate & Capital

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Corporate Advisory & Governance

Corporate advisory and governance has many limbs, from company secretary services through to tailored corporate advisory services as a trusted advisor to your company.

From incorporation to de-registration our corporate lawyers are prepared to assist you as an acting company secretary. Our lawyers have experience in incorporating companies, registering business names, preparing notices and minutes for meetings of directors and members, reviewing statutory records, maintaining minute books and statutory registers, preparing and lodging ASIC Prescribed Forms and reserving company names.

If you have any questions regarding corporate advisory or governance, then call our office on 07 5635 0180 to claim your free consultation with Stone Group Lawyers.

Our Expertise

In the field of corporate governance our team of lawyers have a comprehensive understanding of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and can provide advice on how your company can ensure compliance with this legislation. Our corporate lawyers can also advise you on how to manage Share Purchase Plans, Buy-Sell Agreements and Employee Share and Option Schemes.

Stone Group Lawyers has experience in:

  • Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) advice and compliance;
  • ASX Listing Rules advice and compliance;
  • Employee share and option schemes;
  • Establishment of dividend reinvestment plans;
  • Share Purchase Plans (SPP’s); and
    Buy – Sell agreements.

Free Consultation

At Stone Group Lawyers, we offer all clients for all areas of law (excludes migration law) a free initial consultation for up to 30 minutes. This consult can be over the phone, Skype or in person.

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